Be Mind Body

Lesley A. Powell brings together her unique career as a dancer, choreographer, world acclaimed Pilates instructor, movement educator and artist.

Movements Afoot was founded with the philosophy of teaching people the basic concepts of movement theory: proper movement initiation, integrating breath with movement and spinal integrity, by equipping people with the necessary tools for a lifetime of fitness and wellness.  Lesley incorporated the best education in the somatics field.

Lesley Powell has appeared in many articles about Mind Body Fitness including Elle, Newsday, the Village Voice, Shape Magazine, etc.

Art by Lesley A. Powell

Not all Back Discomfort the Same

Back Discomfort can have many causes as well as mysteries.  These are the many diagnoses of disc injuries.  Then there are underlying issues of our habits, our work, our organization of our bodies and workout habits.  Some clients come with hyper-mobile issues where...

Science of Pain

Science of Pain In the upcoming Balanced Body Advanced Movement Principles’ video is section about the research done about pain.  Our nervous system creates patterns of protection around an injury.  A lot is very appropriate and necessary.  In long term recovery,...

Pilates teachers: Do you want to know about working with clients with Injuries.

Pilates teachers do you want to know more how to work with clients with injuries?