Don’t Be DeFEETed with Lesley Powell NYC

WORKSHOPS IN NYC To register:  DON’T BE DE-FEET-ED: IMPROVING FOOT MECHANICS THAT CHANGES THE CORE AND March 24, 2018 2:30-5:30 PM with Lesley Powell . $150 at Westside Dance Physical Therapy  To register DON’T BE DE-FEET-ED: IMPROVING FOOT...

1/27th  Intro to Parasetter with Yuu Fujita NYC

1/27th  Intro to Parasetter with Yuu Fujita Let’s learn and play with this amazing tool!!! Parasetter® is a roller system that supports the body in comfortable supine, kneeling prone and standing positions. Parasetter® supports the ribs in between the shoulder...

Lesley Powell is teaching in Miami February 2-3

Call to Arms: Hand-Scapula Relationship to Core   with Leslie Powell (February 2) A workshop exploring the connections of the hand to the Scapula to the core. Especially with our overuse of hands with digital equipment, we are addressing balancing the hand and...