Sign up for Pilates on Tour Saturday Morning, 10/14/2017 Biotensegrity and Pilates: A New Model of Movement with Lesley Powell New discoveries in science are making us look at the body and movement in new ways. Fascial science and the concepts of...
Parasetter Class Tuesdays 2:30-3:30
with Lesley Powell Email Lesley to enroll Classes at Westside Dance Physical Therapy $30 single 53 Columbus Ave # 4 Across from Lincoln Center Pilates Equipment and Embodied Anatomy. “Embodied anatomy improves...
We are going to explore the importance of the spin of the femur bone to enhance leg and core function. Classes with Lesley A. Powell Parasetter Class Tuesday 2:30-3:30 PM $30 Westside Dance Physical Therapy 53 Columbus Ave. #4 Email me to enroll:
“Support precedes movement.” Bonnie Baindrige Cohen This week in my classes we are going to explore the importance of the awareness of support before a movement. Too many times I see us move quickly and then try to create support at the end of...
This week I am exploring connecting to our bones for support Classes with Lesley A. Powell Westside Dance Physical Therapy Parasetter Class Tuesday 2:30-3:30 PM $30 Email me to enroll in above class. Rolates Pilates Pilates Equipment &...