Finding New maps for the Body and better Fitness With Lesley A. Powell Laban’s Space Harmony are rich maps describing all the possible ways the body moves in space. A ballet dancer uses different maps than a golfer. Sometimes our personal maps are a little off and...
Connections is coordinations. Depending how the action of the body, there are different organizations needed for certain movements. A dancer doing a pirouette uses their body differently than a salsa dancer. The body is used differently in karate vs capoeira both...
New Education Somatic Program of Understanding the Body New Eyes of Understanding the Body w. Lesley A. Powell Online and recorded workshops somatic program. ...
Connections is coordinations. October 13-17 Knee influencing the spine Embodied Anatomy: Pilates Mat class. $18 Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 PM Parasetter/Foam Roll Class $18 Saturdays 10 AM To register
Connections is Coordinations. October we are going to explore how different parts of your body influence above or below. October 6-10. Foot/ankle influencing the hip Online Classes w. Lesley A. Powell Stability: Core is not a rigid spine Dynamic stability is the constant shifts in the body to facilitate movement. It is the dance around the joints for good function and alignment. When we tried to fixate...