This spring I started reading The Thorax: An Integrated Approcoah by Diane Lee with a special bookclub with Pilates teachers. I also have the great fortune to be studying again with Jean Claude West and exploring the ribcage. In my own practice, freeing the ribs...
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is improper movement of the joints at the bottom of the spine: the sacrum to the pelvis. When the movements are imbalanced, this can result in pain in the low back and legs. I have SI Dysfunction. I primarily got it from my dancing....
Thoracic Lumbar Juncture is where a lot of problems happen in the back. There have been past cues to press the ribs down that acerbates the problem. Locking the ribs down can create more hypermobility at the Thoracic Lumbar Juncture as well as problems with the...
No classes 6/30-7/5 Rotation is at almost every joint of our body. Our walking uses rotation to mobilize us in space. Walking requires rotation at the spine and lower/upper limbs. Our everyday actions of getting into a car, walking and even cooking requires...
Biotensegrity of the Core is about a 3D spine. A lot of core is concentrate on the front. Your core is a dynamic use of the back and front body of the torso. There are different flavors of using your core depending how you move in space. How you use your core is...
Revolution of the Scapula is about the hand-scapula relationship. Good mechanics of the shoulder is dependent on the movement of the scapula. If it is stuck or over-cued to lock it down, the work of the arms and the core will be affected in not a healthy way. This...