The thoracolumbar fascia connects numerous muscles in the lumbar, thoracic, and sacral regions. It is also an important area of connection between the upper and lower extremities. It is part of our dynamic stabilization of our spines as well as movers. When the...
Knee me – a Relationship between the Foot and Hip Online with Lesley A. Powell $80 June 18 & 25, 2020. 2:30 – 4:00 PM 3 NCPT CEC. Live only The knee is a vulnerable challenged joint. Healthy and well aligned knees help with efficient function. However, incorrect...
Having a Leg to Stand on is about improving leg function especially in standing. Floor exercises are wonderful building blocks to create better strength. Open chain exercises such as side kicks can teach you about certain connections. Closed chain such as standing...
Sensing the Psoas Week Online With Lesley Powell Mat Class. Parasetter Class. Reformer Class. Workshop. May 19-23 Embodiment of the Psoas is about waking the senses and spaces in your body. We will explore through Pilates and in the workshop, drawing and movement....
Sensing the Psoas Workshop 3 hr. Online With Lesley Powell $80 May 21, 2020 1:00 – 4:00 EST May 23, 2020. 17:00 – 20:00 (Timezone Asia/Singapore. EST 5:00 AM) Embodiment of the Psoas is about waking the senses in your body. Drawing is the sense of touch. Drawing...
Online Parasetter Class Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 PM
with Lesley Powell Starts May 16, 2020 10 AM The Parasetter is a biconvex roll with a center channel to precisely support your thoracic rib cage and allow the spine to float freely. Lying on the Parasetter gives three...