This week we will explore how the forward head with all of our devices changes our posture. Understanding the neck in relationship to the torso makes a world of difference in our physical well-being. In both classes, Pilates Mat & Pilates Reformer. We will...
Knee me – a Relationship between the Knee and Hip with Lesley Powell I have ACL tears in both knees. I can feel the bones sliding when I move. It is really important keeping my legs strong. When I do not work on my knees, walking up stairs is uncomfortable. I...
Laban’s Space Harmony is a rich map describing how the body moves and organizes. How does the body move differently in ballet, fencing, golf, tai chi to karate. How does the coordination change as the body makes different shapes in space? April 19-22 we will explore...
Upcoming there is a lot information about my teaching on the importance of the feet and its relationship to the core. Don’t Be DeFEETed Workshop Fusion Pilates Education 50% off now. Code: hunkerdown Bones and Muscles of the Feet Tutorial...
Embodied Anatomy: Exploring Pilates Repertory with new awareness Online classes with Lesley Powell Recordings will be made of these classes To Register Embodied Anatomy: Pilates Mat class. $18 Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 PM Embodied Anatomy: Pilates Reformer Class 8 persons...
Free Online Pilates Mat Class 3/24/2020 & more with Lesley Powell Last week I led my first online class. It was very exciting. Hopefully you can join next week. Join me online for private sessions and for March a free online Pilates Mat Class Email me to...