Free Online Pilates Mat Class 3/24/2020 & more with Lesley Powell Last week I led my first online class. It was very exciting. Hopefully you can join next week. Join me online for private sessions and for March a free online Pilates Mat Class Email me to...
With great sadness due to coronavirus crisis, I am not offering live sessions or classes for the safety of all in March. Join me online for private sessions and for March a free online Pilates Mat Class Email me to register: Free...
With having ACL tears in both knees, I have had to change my practice in keeping support for my knees. I didn’t realize how I was compensating to deal with the extra mobility of the knee. Doing close chain exercises is extremely important for simple actions of...
Upcoming March Workshops 2020. I am teaching two workshops this March. Knee Me is a workshop using the Pilates Reformer on understanding how the knee works and enhancing function. Sensing the Psoas is a unique class of using drawing to visualize the psoas and its...
Call to Arms Let’s call to arms better information. There is a lot of poor information about scapular stability. I walk into many classes: dance, pilates, yoga, etc and hear the cue: Shoulders down, Press Your shoulders down! The problems of the shoulders might be...
Core is more than abdominals. Anatomy dances of the core is about how there is a constant dance around joints of the torso for stability and mobility. The dance starts around first around the harder structures; bones. Our bones are our moving scaffolding for our...