Anatomy Dances: Core and Arms 2/8-9 NYC w. Lesley Powell

Anatomy Dances -NEW WAYS TO SEE THE BODY A journey about anatomy and movement by Lesley A. Powell Anatomy Dances is about the shifting dances around the body to create and support movement.  Lesley A. Powell brings together her studies of anatomy, Bartenieff...

Dances around the Leg Joints w. Lesley Powell 1/18 NYC

Anatomy Dances: Dances around the Leg Joints. Improving function and its connection to the core  Registration ends January 12 January 18,2020  2:00-4:00 PM with Lesley Powell . $80 This workshop explores the dance around the foot, knee, hip and the core. We will start...

Rib it to Free the Spine with Lesley Powell. Classes & Workshops think about the ribs for wellness and fitness.  As I have learned to free my ribs and embody better movement patterns, my breath and alignment has changed in a wonderful way.  Freedom!  Even plank pose has a new...

Laban’s Space Harmony, Biotensegrity and Shape Flow

Laban’s Space Harmony, Biotensegrity and Shape Flow In going over my lessons plans for my upcoming workshop on Biotensegrity, I was able to undo some ongoing stiffness in my neck. Shape flow is what baby’s do naturally. All that delicious squiggling is inviting...

Don’t Be DeFEETed. New online video by Lesley Powell

Details about my upcoming workshop, Don’t Be DeFEETed on have been released! Click here: Don’t Be DeFEETed for all the information – and now and get a great discount  20% with promo code FEET.  I’d love to hear what you think!...