Pilates and Embodied Anatomy.

“5 Women” Watercolor by Lesley A. Powell

“Embodied anatomy improves function” Eric Franklin

Embodied anatomy has a wonderful history of investigation of our Anatomy as it pertains to movement from Mabel Todd’s Thinking Body, imagery from Sweigard, Dowd, Andre Bernard to Eric Franklin, somatic practices of Bartenieff Fundamentals, BodyMind Centering, Feldenkrais, etc.  Each class there will be a theme of about the body and how to bring better function within the pilates repertoire.  We will bring in concepts of leaders in the field of anatomy and somatic.  We were first explore a theme of anatomy, applications to pilates mat and the second section to pilates Equipment. 

with Doris Pasteleur Hall and Lesley A. Powell

Embodied anatomy and Pilates mat 1-3 pm $60
Applications to Pilates equipment (includes mat section) 1-5:15 PM  $150


  • An introduction to new models of anatomy
  • Applications of anatomical principles
  • Improving functionality
  • Applications will be made to Pilates, yoga and other movement modalities. 
  1. Inner Core 2/4/2017
    Pelvis, diaphragm, breathe and core
  2. Outer Core. 3/4/2017 Spine and 3D motion
  3. Arms Dancing with the Core. 4/1/2017
  4. Legs Dancing with the Core 5/6/2017

To enroll, please email or call 917-902-6301

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