Bridge over Purple Waters.
Oil Painting by Lesley A. Powell
How much do I miss everyone, my work, taking my movement and art classes, eating out and all that the city had to offer!
I foresee my teaching not getting back in New York City until at least October. No pilates studios are allowed to operate in New York City as of now. With the poor administration of the pandemic by the federal government, I really sadly see a second wave. When I get back to the studio, I really want it safe for everyone. It angers me how a government has put our lives at risk. How some are ignoring this is beyond my comprehension.
I have been fortunate to be very busy teaching online, studying and painting. It has been a very creative time for me. Besides teaching classes and privates, I also have taught some workshops. My favorite, Sensing the Psoas , I even taught drawing to get the students to visualize the Psoas in our bodies.
I am learning how to edit my videos. Here is a an excerpt from materials that I am creating for a larger workshop. Knee drops are a wonderful way to invite gentle movement to the spine. If you can’t go to the floor, you can do it on your bed. Enjoy!
I have been studying with my favorite teachers online from pilates, ballet, yoga and art class. Especially being in the Catskills how lucky I am to be back with my teachers that have changed my life. I have been doing my art; painting and drawing. I have created a new website of my artwork, www.lesleyapowell.com . Please feel free to visit.
Because of the pandemic, I foresee group live classes not happening for a long time.
No online classes August 24 – September 7.
No online private sessions August 24-29.