is Coordination Your limbs influence your torso. This is a special coordination and brings in a full body order. It is dynamic and changing with movement. Many disconnect in the transitions from one movement... Dynamic Stability is an new Call Core to Arms March 13, 2020. 2-5:10 PM. $150. click here for more information. This workshop goes deeper into shoulder...
Maintaining Youthfulness and agility as we age. Maintaining a youthful spine and hips as we age is essential for our ability to change levels, gait and all movement activities. When our mobility diminishes it slowly affects our entire body from feet to head . This...
The Shoulder Revolution February and March I am going to dive deeper into the function of the shoulder. The shoulder girdle has to be dynamic and strong at the same time. Strength does not mean locking or fixing down the scapula. We first are going to explore the...
Anatomy Dances :Freeing the Ribs to Enhance Function January 9, 2021 2:00 PM-5:10 PM. $150 more information and registration click here Video The ribs are flexible. They are not rigid like we see of the skeletons that we see in the class room. Each rib has a joint...