Anatomy Dances :Freeing the Ribs to Enhance Function January 9, 2021 2:00 PM-5:10 PM. $150 more information and registration click here Video The ribs are flexible. They are not rigid like we see of the skeletons that we see in the class room. Each rib has a joint...
I have been working on some new artwork exploring the spine. This month I am filming an ongoing project of mine, Kissable Available Neck and upcoming workshop: Anatomy Dances: Core is 3D. When one section of your spine is not moving well, .this affects the entire...
Anatomy Dances Bringing 3d in your Physical Practice New roadmaps to understand the body: Laban’s Space Harmony, Biotensegrity and Bartenieff Fundamentalstm Biotensegrity, Laban’s Space Harmony- 3D and Bartenieff Fundamentalstm are new maps of how the body moves in...
Finding New maps for the Body and better Fitness With Lesley A. Powell Laban’s Space Harmony are rich maps describing all the possible ways the body moves in space. A ballet dancer uses different maps than a golfer. Sometimes our personal maps are a little off and...
Connections is coordinations. Depending how the action of the body, there are different organizations needed for certain movements. A dancer doing a pirouette uses their body differently than a salsa dancer. The body is used differently in karate vs capoeira both...