Upcoming March Workshops 2020. I am teaching two workshops this March. Knee Me is a workshop using the Pilates Reformer on understanding how the knee works and enhancing function. Sensing the Psoas is a unique class of using drawing to visualize the psoas and its...
Call to Arms Let’s call to arms better information. There is a lot of poor information about scapular stability. I walk into many classes: dance, pilates, yoga, etc and hear the cue: Shoulders down, Press Your shoulders down! The problems of the shoulders might be...
Anatomy Dances: Dances around the Leg Joints. Improving function and its connection to the core Registration ends January 12 January 18,2020 2:00-4:00 PM with Lesley Powell . $80 This workshop explores the dance around the foot, knee, hip and the core. We will start...
https://www.movementsafoot.com/upcoming-workshops/arely think about the ribs for wellness and fitness. As I have learned to free my ribs and embody better movement patterns, my breath and alignment has changed in a wonderful way. Freedom! Even plank pose has a new...
I attended my first dissection this August with Todd Garcia, Director/Dissection Master. He was amazing how he could dissect the layers of fascia around the muscles. One could see the amazing connections of our bodies. Biotensegrity is a fascinating journey in...